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Americas Week on Digital Broadcasting and Regional Conference on Spectrum Management

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in collaboration with partners are organizing a series of workshops and conferences from October 10 - 14, 2016 in Mexico City, Mexico with support from multiple partners.

Simultaneous translation in English and Spanish will be available for the duration of the all events.

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The events are essentially targeted towards the senior officials from Policy making organizations, Regulators, Industry, National Spectrum Managing organizations, academia and international organizations involved in developing policies, regulations, operations, strategies and other associated development activities related to Spectrum Management within the Americas Region.

Americas Workshop on Digital Broadcasting and Spectrum Management Master Plans - October 11 & 12

The workshop is being jointly organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), and hosted by the “Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT)” and the “Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transporte (SCT)”, Mexico.The Workshop will be immediately followed by the “The 3rd Latin America Spectrum Management Conference” which will be jointly organized by ITU and Forum Europe on 13th – 14th October 2016 at the same venue.

The objective of the "Americas Workshop on Digital Broadcasting and Regional Conference on Spectrum Management" is to present the result of the development of Roadmaps for the transition to Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting in twelve beneficiary countries in the Americas Region, the Spectrum Management Masterplans prepared for three Caribbean beneficiary countries , procedures of the cross-border frequency coordination; and highlight the importance of Spectrum management for ICT development and emphasize the need to adopt harmonized solutions to issues related technological advancement and spectrum availability for future IMT systems. WRC-15 outcomes and impact on the Americas region will also be considered.

The conference and the workshop are essentially targeted towards the senior officials from Policy making organizations, Regulators, Industry, National Spectrum Managing organizations, academia and international organizations involved in developing policies, regulations, operations, strategies and other associated development activities related to Spectrum Management within the Americas Region.


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The 3rd Annual Latin America Spectrum Management Conference - October 13 & 14

"The 3rd Annual Latin America Spectrum Management Conference" (more information at is jointly organised by ITU and Forum Global, and is taking place as part of 'The Global Spectrum Series' - the world's largest collection of regional spectrum management events (

For the 3rd consecutive year, the conference will provide a high-level meeting point for stakeholders across Latin America and beyond to discuss topical issues relating to the management and co-ordination of spectrum policy across the region. 

The objective of the conference is to highlight the importance of Spectrum Management for ICT development in the LatAm region, and to look at the best way forward in developing harmonised spectrum strategies to ensure that the region is maximizing the opportunities that are available. Issues to be covered include WRC-15 and looking ahead to WRC-19; the 700MHz band; spectrum for 5G and IoT; best practice in auctions, licencing and valuation; and tackling the digital divide. The event will also include a regulatory roundtable focussing on the management of spectrum in the Caribbean and smaller Central American countries.

Simultaneous translation in English and Spanish will be available for the duration of the event.

For more information about the conference please visit or contact Lula Howard on